Monday, January 20, 2014


I have a confession to make... I love nachos.

It's a problem. Whenever we go out to any kind of sports games, I will get them. Even if there is a healthier, more fulfilling option, I will chose the nachos.

This happened at work the other day. I was hungry, so I ran to the gas station and got some. I then returned and proceeded to eat them in the back of the room as quietly as I could. But later someone told me they could still hear me munching away.

Was I surprised? No. Not in the slightest.

I've always been loud, ever since I can remember. Everyone tells me I am.

It's not like it's a mystery where I get it from. Almost everyone in my family is loud. My grandma and mom will start talking to you normally, then somewhere in the middle of the conversation, realize they're shouting. Not just talking loudly, literally shouting. And I do the same thing.

It just happens. Even when I'm in a public place, I end up talking really loud and shouting. Sometimes I scare people. I can be a huge pain at sleepovers. I talk really loud and don't know I'm doing it. Just recently we celebrated my best friend's birthday and stayed the night in a hotel room. And even though it was a room full of girls, I was the one that got shushed.

Not only do I talk loud, I walk loud. My shoes always seem to squeak.

"So why not just wear different shoes?" I've tried! Even when they don't squeak, I have heavy footsteps. Which is one of the reasons I barely wear heels. I also have the extraordinary talent of finding the loudest, squeakiest chair to sit in during tests. When I was taking my SAT test I sat in front, middle chair and every time I moved it would squeak very loudly. And I move a lot, I have ADHD, remember?

I've had friends quite often tell me I eat loudly. Yes, I'm sorry, I'm one of those annoying people! But I can't help it! I don't know how to eat differently. It just comes naturally!

This is why I love it when it's loud, or at least something is happening in the background. My loudness is masked by the background noise. If it's silent, I just feel like a wrecking ball of noise. And it doesn't really help that I'm clumsy.

Is anyone else like this? Do the squeaky things in life just seem drawn to you? Do you feel more comfortable when it's loud? I would love to know...

I'm just a loud person. I've come to accept it, it's a part of who I am. I used to be insecure about it, but not so much anymore. And I wouldn't change it for anything.

Bye! Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. I like loud...why do you think I married your father??? Great post oh Loud One. ;0)
